Union College - Guest Lecture
Co-sponsored by the Visual Arts Department, English Department and American Studies Program. FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Pratt Institute - "Another Earth" Course Visit
Another Earth will explore the design of imaginary (or constructed) worlds. We will study examples of worlds built in literature and visual art and our creative work will span and combine these mediums. The class will be composed of readings, screenings, discussions, studio work, and writing workshops. The primary focus for each student will be creating written and visual art to flesh out a world of their own design.

Fall for the Book - "I Will Survive: Exploring the Human Condition in the Face of Chaos"
What does a climate change disaster novel, a bloody prison riot satire, and an apocalyptic but redemptive collection of poetry have in common? Adam Nemett‘s We Can Save Us All, Ryan Chapman’s Riots I Have Known, and Jason Gray’s Radiation King use unusual (and sometimes extreme) settings to investigate the human condition in exciting, new, and even comical ways.

Adam Nemett at Elk Hill School
Adam Nemett (We Can Save Us All) talks about his work with students at Elk Hill School. Open only to students and staff of Elk Hill School.

Princeton Reunions - Terrace Club Alumni Author Event
TFC is excited to welcome Class of '03 authors and Terrace members Eva Hagberg Fisher (author of How To Be Loved: A Memoir of Lifesaving Friendship) and Adam Nemett (author of We Can Save Us All: A Novel), in conversation and reading from their forthcoming books. Eva and Adam will discuss the process of writing their respective books, their paths to publication, and how their time at Princeton influenced their careers.